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Keynote and Workshop Presentations 

Dr. Lewis’ keynote presentations engage audiences and inspire paradigm shifting thinking for the participants. Each keynote can be expanded into a half or full day workshop experience complete with interactive exercises and actionable takeaways.


Selected Keynote and Workshop Presentations 


  • Creating Culture of Belonging 

  • Unpacking My Cultural Baggage to Become a Transformative Leader

  • Creating a Diversity Strategic Plan

  • Creating Diversity Metrics to get to the ROI


Watch Dr. Lewis deliver a keynote address at Westfield State University 




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Culture of Belonging Audit   

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Culture of Belonging Audit 


Belonging is the feeling of being in a place of psychological safety where being one’s full self is embraced and valued. A culture of belonging is an organization that engages the full uniqueness of each employee in order to bring out the employee's full potential. In a culture of belonging diverse points of views are valued and necessary for innovation to thrive. Moreover, a culture of belonging engenders loyalty and high levels of productivity. 


​The Culture of Belonging Audit (CBA) is designed to provide an in depth review of how your organization is currently creating a high performing workplace for all employees.

The CBA looks how your organizational values impacts and are impacted by:

External factors:

  • Innovation 

  • Workforce

  • Customer Experience


Internal factors:

  • Leadership Development 

  • Accountability 

  • Employee Experience  


The CBA provides you specific actions you can take in order to enhance/create a workplace culture that produces employee loyalty, high productivity and increased customer experience. 



The Culture of Belonging Audit is a three step process that includes the following:


60 Minute Intake Call

In this call Dr. Lewis will seek to understand the current circumstances of your workplace culture. He will discuss with your pain points and customize your audit to your most pressing needs. 


Full-Day On-Site Listening Session

Dr. Lewis will visit your company and will conduct "listening sessions" with different employee groups and departments. The listening sessions are the heart of the Culture of Belonging Audit, as they allow Dr. Lewis to hear the "voices" of the employees. From the "voices" of your employees Dr. Lewis will provide you a set of relevant and actionable recommendations to improve your employee's experience.


Recommendations for Action 

After Dr. Lewis' On-Site Listening Session he will provide you an actionable recommendations brief for immediate implementation.









Video Testimonial

Inclusive Leader Coaching


The Inclusive Leader Coaching: Coaching is a powerful executive development process that offers one-on-one personal engagement. Dr. Lewis is committed to partner with you to unlock your full potential to becoming an inclusive and transformative leader. Regarding diversity and inclusion, Dr. Lewis has “been there, seen that, done that!” He has taken that long and hard journey inward to explore his  conscious and unconscious biases. He has become self aware of how he "shows up" in his interactions with this diverse world.


In his six-step coaching process Dr. Lewis will show you how to develop an inclusive mindset that will influence greater commitment and productivity from your employees. 


The Inclusive Leader Coaching program is customizable to your unique needs, goals and aspirations. Dr. Lewis will lead you through six eye-opening sessions that will provide you the tools you need to focus on your goals. The six sessions are:


Session 1: Unpacking My Cultural Baggage

Session 2: Courage to Challenge Familial Teachings

Session 3: Seeing the "Other"

Session 4: Reflect and Re-calibrate

Session 5: Learning from the "Others"

Session 6: Creating a Culture of Belonging 

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